Quarterly & annual operations reports
Q3 2024
- In Q3 2024, flight operations were up by 1.5% compared to Q3 2023.
- Runway configurations are used that can best accommodate traffic conditions. This can change as traffic levels and operations change. In Q3 2024 we saw an increase in Dual operations and a decrease in L1D1 operations compared to Q3 2023. This could be due to increasing traffic levels that require Dual operations to meet capacity demands. Learn more about how runways are used and what the different configurations mean here.
- Factors that influence runway selection include wind, weather and surface conditions, runway availability, time of day, traffic levels, and operational efficiency. These factors vary, and therefore, so do runway configurations. However, as wind directions in the region is predominantly from the west or the east, the majority of Pearson’s runway configurations involve the east/west runways. The north/south runways are used when the weather necessitates it or to accommodate airfield work.
- In Q3 2024, 97.4% of operations used the east-west runways compared to 98.3% east-west operations in Q3 2023.
To find out more visit our website here
Supplemental Reports: Night Flight Restriction Program, Enforcement, and Early Turn Trials
Noise Statistics Update – Q1 2024
To view historical Annual Noise Management Reports, please click here.